

欧文原著 - 当研究室の2009年の業績です。

  1. Ishii M, Wen H, Corsa CA, Liu T, Coelho AL, Allen RM, Carson WF 4th, Cavassani KA, Li X, Lukacs NW, Hogaboam CM, Dou Y, Kunkel SL. Epigenetic regulation of the alternatively activated macrophage phenotype. Blood. 2009 Oct 8;114(15):3244-54.
  2. Naoki K, Okamoto H, Tsujimura S, Fujii T, Hida N, Kunikane H, Watanabe K. Dose-escalating and Pharmacokinetic Study of a Weekly Combination of Paclitaxel and Carboplatin for Inoperable Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC): JCOG 9910-DI. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2009; 39 (9): 569-75.
  3. Tasaka S, Kamata H, Miyamoto K, Nakano Y, Shinoda H, Kimizuka Y, Fujiwara H, Hasegawa N, Fujishima S, Miyasho T, Ishizaka A. Intratracheal synthetic CpG oligodeoxynucleotide causes acute lung injury with systemic inflammatory response. Respir Res 10: 84, 2009.
  4. Hasegawa N, Nishimura T, Ohtani S, Takeshita K, Fukunaga K, Tasaka S, Urano T, Ishii K, Miyairi M, Ishizaka A. Therapeutic effects of various initial combination chemotherapy including clarithromycin against Mycobacterium avium complex pulmonary disease. Chest. 136; 1569-1575, 2009.
  5. Hasegawa N, Nishimura T, Watabnabe M, Tasaka S, Nakano Y, Yamazaki K, Hashimoto S, Nishimura M, Ishizaka A. Concentrations of clarithromycin and active metabolite in the epithelial lining fluid of patients with Mycobacterium avium complex pulmonary disease. Pulm Pharmacol Ther. 22: 190-193, 2009.
  6. Shimizu M, Hasegawa N, Nishimura T, Endo Y, Shiraishi Y, Yamasawa W, Koh H, Tasaka S, Shimada H, Nakano Y, Fujishima S, Yamaguchi K, Ishizaka A. Effects of tumor necrosis factor-α converting enzyme inhibition on acute lung injury induced by endotoxin in the rat. Shock. 32: 535-540, 2009.
  7. Shinoda H, Tasaka S, Fujishima S, Yamasawa W, Miyamoto K, Nakano Y, Kamata H, Hasegawa N, Ishizaka A. Elevated CC chemokine level in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid is predictive of a poor outcome of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Respiration. 78: 285-292, 2009.
  8. Tokudome S, Sano M, Shinmura K, Matsuhashi T, Morizane S, Moriyama H, Tamaki K, Hayashida K, Nakanishi H, Yoshikawa N, Shimizu N, Endo J, Katayama T, Murata M, Yuwasa S, Kaneda R, Tomita K, Eguchi N, Urade Y, Asano K, Utsunomiya Y, Suzuki T, Taguchi R, Tanaka H, and Fukuda K. Glucocorticoid protects rodent hearts from ischemia/reperfusion injury by activating lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase-derived PGD2 biosynthesis. J Clin Invest 119: 1477-1488, 2009
  9. Asano K and Suzuki H. Silent acid reflux and asthma control (editorial). New Engl J Med 360: 1551-1553, 2009.
  10. Asano K, Nakade S, Shiomi T, Nakajima T, Suzuki Y, Fukunaga K, Oguma T, Sayama K, Fujita H, Tanigawara Y, Ishizaka A. Impact of pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics on the efficacy of pranlukast in Japanese asthmatics. Respirology. 2009 Aug;14(6):822-7.
  11. Kakizaki T, Kohno M, Watanabe M, Tajima A, Izumi Y, Miyasho T, Tasaka S, Fukunaga K, Maruyama I, Ishizaka A, Kobayashi K. Exacerbation of bleomycin-induced injury and fibrosis by pneumonectomy in the residual lung of mice. J Surg Res. 154: 336-344, 2009.